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Trumansburg Event Venue Cedarwood, set to expand Open Mic October 10th

Writer's picture: Jonas ChoploskyJonas Choplosky

In the heart of the Finger Lakes Region in Trumansburg, NY, Cedarwood Event Venue is set to expand their open mic night to more than just Stand-Up Comedians

Musicians Performing at Cedarwood, just outside of Ithaca, NY

First Open Mic Night Starts This Thursday

Throughout the Year Jake Aaron from Comedy On The Commons has been hosting Stand up Comedy Open Mic Nights for the second and fourth Thursday of every month here at Cedarwood Event Venue. With great excitement, we are ready to expand this beyond comedy and invite all artists to come This is where you come in. We would love to have you attend and showcase your abilities, while also getting to create a fun and entertaining night for everyone. No matter what style of musician you are, or even if you just want to come share some poetry, you are highly encouraged to come to be a part of the community! We hope to see a wide variety of talens, and skills. We will be kicking things off Thursday, October 10th from 7-9 pm. You can arrive as early as 6:30 and head right to the register to start signing up to perform. Allotted times for each person will be determined by the turnout, as we want to give everyone who comes and signs up a chance to perform. So be sure to mark your calender’s and come on out to Trumansburg on the 10th of October!

Cedarwood Event Venue

9632 NY-96 Trumansburg, NY 14886

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